Documenting Software using ChatGPT. Step-by-Step Procedure for Creating UML Diagrams for a Software Product Using PlantUML and ChatCPT


 With PlantUML’s text-based approach and the guidance of ChatGPT, this guide empowers you to seamlessly translate software concepts into UML diagrams. From depicting class relationships to mapping out interactions, you’ll wield PlantUML alongside ChatGPT’s insights to craft clear and concise representations of your software’s architecture, fostering a deeper understanding among stakeholders and technical teams alike.

1. Define Your Software Project:

Before delving into diagram creation, articulate the fundamental aspects of your software project—its goals, functionalities, and stakeholders. Through collaboration with ChatGPT, you can refine your project description, ensuring a clear vision before embarking on diagram creation.

ChatGPT Prompt for Requesting PlantUML Code and Detailed Description:

“Assist me in realizing the visualization of my software project by crafting intricate UML diagrams using PlantUML. I’m focusing on the topic of [ENTER YOUR TOPIC HERE], aiming to encapsulate its multifaceted nature. As I delve into the creation of UML diagrams, I want to ensure accuracy and depth. To begin, kindly provide the PlantUML code that will best represent this topic. Feel free to elaborate and expand on the concept, introducing your unique insights and ideas to enrich the diagram. The description of the topic is as follows:


By intertwining your creative expertise with PlantUML’s capabilities, we can materialize an illustrative masterpiece that conveys the intricacies of the topic while enlightening viewers about its nuances.”

2. Identify Key Elements and Relationships:

Leveraging the project description, identify the pivotal components, classes, modules, and actors intrinsic to your software. With ChatGPT’s expertise, explore potential relationships and interactions between these elements, forming a foundational understanding to guide your UML diagram endeavors.

3. Choose UML Diagram Types:

Select UML diagram types based on the aspects you want to represent:

  • Class Diagrams
  • Use Case Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Component Diagrams
  • Deployment Diagrams

4. Choose a Text Editor:

Select a text editor of your choice to write PlantUML code.

5. Write PlantUML Code:

For each chosen UML diagram type:

Class Diagram:

Create a .puml file and write PlantUML code for class diagrams.

Use Case Diagram:

Create a .puml file and write PlantUML code for use case diagrams.

Sequence Diagram:

Create a .puml file and write PlantUML code for sequence diagrams.

6. Generate Diagrams:

  • Open the PlantUML compiler or an online PlantUML editor (such as PlantText –
  • Copy the PlantUML code from your text editor and paste it into the PlantUML compiler.
  • The compiler will automatically generate the corresponding UML diagram.
  • Review the generated diagram and make sure it accurately represents your design.

7. View and Refine:

  • Open the generated image files or view the diagrams within the PlantUML compiler to visually inspect your diagrams.
  • Make any necessary edits or modifications to your PlantUML code to refine the diagrams.

By pasting your PlantUML code into the PlantUML compiler or an online editor, you can instantly visualize the diagrams and make adjustments as needed.

Documenting Softwares using ChatGPT