Technical Skills and Jobs.

Prospectus technical jobs in Canada which have great great job perspective

Technical Skills

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    • Will  reshape almost every aspect of how we live and work.
    • Will take some human day to day tasks
    • programming languages such as Python, C++, R and Java for AI jobs as well.
  • Data Scientist 

    • Proficiency in statistics, economics, information systems or computer science
  • Machine Learning

    • ML is a subfield of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms 
    • Enabled  computers the ability to learn and grow smarter without being programmed
  • Information Security Analyst

    • Skills include penetration testing,
    •  application security, network security and cloud security
    • Cisco CCNA ,certification ,CompTIA’s Network+, Security+
  • Product Management

    • To launch and manage successful tech products
    • Skills business acumen, customer centric mindset, market orientation 
  • Block Chain Developer

    • Python is one of the most popular languages used for it
    • Create and desgin Architecture of Blockchain
    • Develop software based on that architecture