The Good Youth Employment Character

What is it?

The Good Youth Employment Charter was co-created with young people and a range of partners by Youth Employment UK in 2012. The Charter was updated by the Youth Employment Group in 2020 in response to rising youth unemployment.

Make a difference

Organisations are encouraged to work to the Principles of Good Youth Employment and can sign up free of charge to the Youth Friendly Employer Badge & be listed on the Youth Friendly Employer Database to be recognised for their commitment to the 5 principles.

Sign the Character

When you sign up to the Good Youth Employment Charter below, you will be given access to further support and guidance and access the partner Toolkit. You will also be able to download the Youth Friendly Employer Badge and update your listing on the Youth Friendly Employer Database.

Make this the year in which your organisation is held up as a worthy example of how to provide quality opportunities for young people to gain the skills and experiences they need. In signing the Charter, you are taking a proactive step to ensure your organisation is recognised and appreciated by young people for your willingness to recruit and develop young people based on their ability, talent and potential regardless of their background or experience.

Sign the Good Youth Employment Charter today.

When you sign up to the Good Youth Employment Charter you will be given access to further support and guidance and access the partner Toolkit. You will also be able to download the Youth Friendly Employer Badge and update your listing on the Youth Friendly Employer Database.


Click on any question below to see the answer.

No. Signing the Charter does not carry any requirements. There are no strings attached.

You do not have to provide evidence of adhering to the core principles of good youth employment. You do not have to meet any requirements.

Consider signing the Charter to be a means of demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to good youth employment, and a pledge to maintain an awareness of what good youth employment looks like in your organisation.

We do recommend that, on signing the Charter, you download the Good Youth Employment Toolkit. Doing so is not a requirement. It is simply a guide to help you reflect on the current provision of youth employment and opportunities in your organization.

Yes. You can post vacancies on our site for FREE.

When you sign the Charter, you can post early career opportunities of any kind on our #CreateYourFuture database. Careers events, apprenticeships, graduate schemes, paid work placements and internships… whatever opportunities you have for young people that relate to work or training, you are welcome to post.

Click here to find out more about posting #CreateYourFuture opportunities.

aMust I feature the Good Youth Employer badge on early career vacancies on my site?

o. You do not have to feature the Good Youth Employer badge.

We recognise that websites may be subject to technical limitations. We also recognise that organisations may be subject to time/energy restrictions – recruitment is busy work!

Young people ARE looking out for the Youth Friendly Employer badge, and view it as a sign of your commitment to good youth employment.

If you wish, you are very welcome to host the badge on early career vacancies on your own site, should you choose to, once you have signed the Charter. There is, however, no requirement to do so.

Only organizations who have signed the Good Youth Employment Charter are permitted to host the badge on their website and/or early career vacancies.

The Good Youth Employment Charter recognises the importance of the following principles:
Creating opportunity – Provide opportunities for young people to gain the skills and experiences they need, through meaningful and good quality experiences of the world of work that raise their aspirations, skills and personal networks. Recognising Talent – Recruit young people based on their ability, talent and potential, recognising they may have limited experience. Ensure young people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority groups, as well as those young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds or those with additional needs or barriers are not unfairly excluded. Fair Employment – Provide good quality employment opportunities for young people, such as apprenticeships, graduate roles, entry level jobs and supported internships. Offer fair and safe opportunities and rewards in accordance with the highest industry standards. Developing People – Promote the development of all young people through on and off the job training and support so they are motivated to take ownership and responsibility for their careers, and they are equipped to progress. Youth Voice – Listen to young people. Actively provide opportunities for their voice to be heard within a community or organisation.

Additional Info

Let's stay in touch

So what are you waiting for? Grab your future.

The Good Youth Employment Character